Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson - You find the present tense and the past perfect.
Had lunch yesterday with the girls - Sam, Siewting, Kele, Joanne, Sandy, Daphne, Karen and her XX. Eh Karen your XX really look like dinosaur!!!!!!! And omg can die laughing at his imitations especially PR's!
They're like happily spamming the thing!

Kele looks very happy!
It's been forever since we last took 31 home together!!
Featured action of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean............. Crotch holder HAHAHAH omg.
Public gold-digger.
Went to the clinic at night! Spent time eating peanuts in the car and listening to 98.7fm while waiting for my turn with Dad.......... omg a guy working at Hershey's dropped into a whole big container of chocolate! : / And I spotted an ang-moh couple walking around the coffeshop with only towels on, imagine the girl's towel dropped! I think those coffeeshop men's eyes would have too. O_O
Ok so my swollen eye is really gross. Like ew. I was so grossed out when the doctor told me what happened. It had an infection and the pus sort of like hardened cos' it couldn't come out of my eye socket!?!??!?! Like ew Gloria was equally grossed out when I texted her that. But she's being worst by asking me to squeeze out the pus. Ew. So I have a gigantic pimple in my eye : ( That is like the grossest thing that's ever happened to my body ever ew.
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