Car crash of a heart

When you needed me, I'd have to be there but when you didn't need me, you assumed that I didn't need you too. When you're upset you cried to me for help, but when you're happy you assumed that I'd prolly the same too. When you're angry you shouted at me, but when I was angry you assumed that I would do the same and warned me that it would only hurt you if I did anything. When you rolled your eyes at me I had to watch, but when I felt like rolling my eyes you assume that I would and walk away. When you cried I had to dry your tears for you, but when I cried you assume that I'm strong enough to do that for myself. When you had joys I had to make sure you enjoyed everything to the fullest, but when I had joys you had to be the first person I shared them with. When you talked about your crushes I had to know their names by hard, but when I first liked a person you said that I placed love above friendship. When I didn't reply you in time you ignored me for the rest of the day, but when you didn't reply me you simply said your bills have exceeded. When we quarrelled you'd wait for my apologies, and if I didn't you'd just pretend nothing's happened even if you were the one guilty. You were never there when I needed you. And sometimes when the pain's so overwhelming I even had to share it with people I'm not familiar with. But at least they helped. And then you'd blame me for not trusting you. But you were only free when you had problems, but busy when I had mine.

I'm glad I had the chance of becoming your pillars of support, but when there's too much pressure and everything's just weighing down, pillars break apart too.

I'm not saying that you're a bad friend but I'm just telling you that I'm nothing close to Superman.


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