You showed me something that I couldn't see

Fep, wisma, taka (I love Taka exhibition halls I bought a Little Miss Sunshine waterbottle finally), cine, centrepoint, parkway parade.
Met Sam at Wisma yesterday, ok I was earlier than her not because I was on time but because she was later than me hahahahah sorry Sam for the other times : B
Watched Hannah Montana the movie : ) Even Sam thinks it's not bad!! The movie isn't crappy all over like the tv show, at least it's got material + kinda cute ha ha. But half of the time I was waiting for Lucas Till to appear, and if you actually ignore Miley Cyrus' real personality, you'll think the show's ok. Crash the stereotype yo : )
Rushed over to pp and it's so quiet at night! Aw can't wait for the shopping centre downstairs to finish up............................. Serangoon is busy and boring.
My act cute bottle ^^

Dying right eye......................
I don't like noodles I only like the soup
Love u Sam : )
The new car came on Monday night: SJR817Y (Yes my bro is lucky SJR SJR SJR hahahahah) Drove to gardens just to get Frolicks yum. The weather was so hot that once I got out of the shop 1/6 of it melted already : (
The camera at the back of the car showing on the tv! Super cool like an airplaine : )
The other day at Siewting's house....................................
Siewting when-she's-the-blind-mice replicas!
Virgin sleep with Siewting LOL.
Siewting I want to go back to Pasir ris park cos' I realise that after so long I still miss _____ and I'm really very very sad now : (
The haunting cch girls toilet while I was meditating beside the basins..........................................
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